Wednesday 19 June 2019

Speculation on the man/woman, nature/nurture debate from an entirely unqualified man.

Speculation on the man/woman, nature/nurture debate from an entirely unqualified man.

Men are simple.  To fulfill our role in the propagation of the species, we were required to hunt, fight, and fuck.  Dangerous and stressful sometimes, but simple. 

Women are complex.  They had to manage as many as a half dozen of the most vulnerable offspring in nature.  They confronted a profoundly more complicated task and evolved the brain necessary to cope with it.

Men were designed for immediate physical action.  Women had to be problem solvers.  One is not better than the other.  Each evolved to address different, essential functions.

Being simple, selfish creatures, men would not engage in reproduction deliberately.  If men thought about the consequences of sex (providing for a family), and had a choice about our sexual behavior, the species would die out.  Evolution demands that men have an irrational sex drive deliberately designed to forestall thinking about consequences.

Physicality was important during the twentieth century.  Men went to war and worked in factories.  Spreading peace, automation, and globalization have eroded those roles.  The escalating complexity of our society requires problem solvers.

Women now dominate universities.  The men are a sorry lot of video gamers. 

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