Tuesday 13 March 2012

The General Theory of Bureaucratic Relativity (GTBR):

“The Boss is always right.”
The HeisenBoss Uncertainty Corollary to the GTBR:

“The position of the Boss cannot be limited by published documents, past practice, or logic." 
Any such limit creates a possible conflict with the GTBR.
This is not permitted (it’s like the lightspeed constant). 

Absent such limits, it is impossible to predict the position of the Boss in time or space”.
The importance of embracing HeisenBoss is in its impact on morale.  The consistent inability to correctly anticipate or make any sense of the position of the Boss might lead to frustration or a sense of inadequacy. 

With abject submission to HeisenBoss, the employee abandons all hope that the position of the Boss can ever make the slightest bit of sense. 
Predicting the position of the Boss is accepted as a game of chance not skill.

Once one recognizes that the position of the Boss is effectively random, it becomes possible to participate in a positive and effective way in “The Process” (best understood as competitive endurance trivia). 
One is fully protected from aggravation and frustration.
One simply no longer cares.
HeisenBoss may be restated as,
"Don't worry.  Be happy." 
If you don't understand, it’s not your fault. 
It's impossible by definition. 
Understanding is not required - only obedience.

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