Sunday, 11 August 2019

Opioid deaths and guns

Opioid deaths and guns

Opioid deaths and many gun deaths have the same cause - the drug laws.  Criminal law has been a total failure dealing with drug problems.  Take opioids out of the criminal system and address the issue as a health problem.  Minimize the damage done by the drugs.

People die from opioids because of poisons found in drugs bought illegally on the street.  If safe injection sites supply the drugs, people will stop  dying.  They could also provide counselling, health care, and employment services to help people kick their habit.

Besides saving lives, this approach can cripple the gangs.  Opiods are an important source of revenue for gangs.  Competition for market share leads to violence and gun deaths.  The health care system could hurt gangs financially more than the police can by slashing their revenue.

The criminal approach does not work and is making the problem worse.